
L'Oiseau Bleu

74110 morzinePoint-and-click  for more information

L'oiseau Bleu Morzine

Discovery Schools

  • « L’Oiseau Bleu » was a special education school. The second building has been achieved by architect Marcel Jolivel. Its 5 classrooms are easy to use, notably 4 of them connecting in pairs, with possibility to split up a group for better schoolwork Point-and-click  for more information Point-and-click  for more information Point-and-click  for more information. The modiest classroom is usually for primary school Point-and-click  for more information. School furniture is put up according to pupil’s height.

  • Teaching staff’s bedrooms are equipped for work (desk or writing desk, table and shelves).

  • Wifi is provided in these two buildings. Every group has to provide its own computers and equipment during the stay.