
L'Oiseau Bleu

74110 morzinePoint-and-click  for more information

L'oiseau Bleu Morzine

Holiday Centre n° 741911007

  • The boarding school of « l’Oiseau Bleu » has been designed by architect René Faublée, in order to get pleasant working for child. And because of convenient fitting-out and facilities, as well search of optimal sunshine, it’s a building full of human touch and play of light, where the charm of the place comes from the dimensions of its “side by side half-level”.

  • The first 7 dormitories have 29 bunk beds (2 for 4 Point-and-click  for more information and 5 for 11), Point-and-click  for more information Point-and-click  for more information all approved for children aged 6 and over. Plus one more dormitory for 6, standard, with less recreational space. Point-and-click  for more information, and one small bedroom for 4, if need be Point-and-click  for more information,besides 10 beds for infirmary only (in this same building, 1 is for night watches and 9 in isolation area situated in the « school »). Point-and-click  for more information For harmonious community life, quietude has been favored. Boarder’s cupboards are situated in their corridors and quiet areas are meant to play in small groups. Point-and-click  for more information Similarly, also useful shoes-cupboard stands in the cloakroom Point-and-click  for more information Point-and-click  for more information Point-and-click  for more information.

  • Supervision staff’s accommodation comprises 15 bedrooms, (10 single bedrooms Point-and-click  for more information, of which night watches in infirmary and sanitary isolation flat, and 5 double-bedrooms). Point-and-click  for more information

  • Two nice rooms for activities Point-and-click  for more information Point-and-click  for more information create two meeting points, one for every building.